What's going on with the boat?

After ten years living on Tarquilla we have moved to land. I'm often asked if we love the house or miss the boat and the real answer is - both. We still have Tarquilla and we are open to all options at the moment as far as her future is concerned. We will carry on working on her, it would be great to be able to sail her again. The Scilly Isles, Portishead marina, Bristol harbour and Falmouth are all places we have talked about as well as many others further afield. But, on the other hand, if a family was looking for a boat, ready to do the preparation she needs and wanted to take her on then we would sell her. She is not ready to sail off into the sunset but has a lot of life left in her. If you or someone you know would be interested then please contact us. She is 3 ply cold moulded, 42 foot long, one off design built in the 1960's. She has 2 double cabins and 2 single berths, a good size saloon, a decent size galley, head and a covered cockpit. She has two engines and a full suit of sails. We have lots more photos and can provide more details or answer questions. In the meantime, this blog has come to a natural pause for now as we take on new adventures.

Blogtober the 1st

What is Blogtober and why did we start blogging in the first place.

A while ago I heard about Blogtober. Intrigued I dug around a bit further to learn more about this writing challenge. The general idea is that for the month of October you try to post something to your blog each day. It's a networking, learning, trying new things, building habits kind of thing. 


Three hand drawn boats with washi tape sails on blue inked sea


I have a lot of half written blogs, scrappy ideas and things that I would like to try out. I've done NaNoWriMo a few times now and enjoy the challenge. Hopefully this will actually prompt me to get caught up with some random things and get back into writing which I have sort of put to one side recently. With all that in mind having a go at Blogtober didn't seem like the worst idea in the world - even if it's not the best idea! 


Red background with flowers and hearts with the words Nanowrimo writer 2020


When we started these blogs (there were 5, one each initially) we weren't totally sure what they would be like. It was purely a way of communicating with those who had waved us off on our adventure and sharing some of our photos. Instagram was less than a year old and I worried that constantly sharing on Facebook would seem a little braggy/boring/annoying. My logic was that by seperating my way of keeping in touch with people and the accounts of what we were doing that I wouldn't be constantly waving it in peoples faces. In case you're interested this link will take you to my First post (a blog with no pictures - shock, horror!). 

A composite of different pictures taken around Europe

I see people sometimes getting stressed about posting schedules. I am very random with my postings and use the blog (at least at the moment) just as something I enjoy doing which means there is no presure for me to stick to any kind of schedule. It's one thing if you are running a professional website/blogsite if that is your business but if you are just writing for yourself and friends and family then the only person putting pressure on is you. Sometimes there are other more important things on and giving yourself extra guilt is never helpful. As a reader I never mind when a blogger takes a break and I will enjoy their next posting whenever it comes.

Open notebook filled with handwriting and a pen lying on top

I do wonder sometimes about the concept of leaving no trace and do give consideration to privacy for the family. We have our own set of rules for any writing or pictures that go on the internet that we have stuck to and have discussed with the children as they grew up. You have to remember I think that you have no control once you have hit publish but you have complete control over what goes on the page in the first place.

So, like this one, some of this months postings may be a bit different to normal but it's nice to try new things occasionally just to see what happens. 


purple flowers in foreground, blue sky and view over marina full of boats on sunny day in background


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