Blogtober 8 - Five little green changes
Climate change can feel quite overwhelming and inevitable at times. It feels like we have no control. Doing lots of little things can have a big accumulative difference though so even one small change can help make a big change. Anything is better than nothing. Here's a handful of ideas for your consideration if you're not sure where to start.
1. Washi tape
We've stopped wrapping gifts for each other instead using a metal wok lid like a cloche and presenting each gift individually. For other people I have started using paper washi tape to secure wrapping rather than adhesive tape, many of which cannot be recycled and have harmful manufacturing processes. And yes, I have just got some Christmas tape - it's not that long until Christmas!
2. Solid soap
Another change we have made is from shower gels to solid soaps. Whilst recycling plastic bottles is better than them going to landfill, reducing the amount we use in the first place is even better. Soaps do vary in how good they are with some turning mushy quite quickly. My current favourite brand contains a hefty dose of sea salt which keeps the bar solid for much longer and therefore means that the bar lasts longer. They smell really nice and are gentle on skin too.
3. Washing up sponges
Not every change is a good one or suits everyone. Whilst the rest of the crew like the silicon washing up brush I don't get on with it and still find a sponge easier to use. Let me know if you've been converted by a particular one you think I might like or maybe I'm just awkward!
4. Eating less meat
I love chicken and would happily eat it every day. We have however started reducing the amount of meat we eat, having one or two days a week meat free. There are lots of recipes aailable for meat free meals and its important to make sure that you don't just 'take the meat out' as our bodies need protein. Experimenting with various other protein sources (not just lentils) we have discovered some that are easier to store than meat as a handy bonus.
5 Read this book
OK, so Greta Thunberg is a divisive figure but she makes some very good points in this book about the difference we can make. Worth a read.
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